Mystery Cats of the World Revisited - Blue Tigers, King Cheetahs, Black Cougars, Spotted Lions, and More (Anomalist Books: San Antonio, 2020); ISBN 978-1-949501-17-9. Large pb, b/w pix, bibliography, index, 414 pp.
Available from all good bookstores, including Amazon UK and Amazon USA, and directly from the publisher in quantities at: Anomalist Books.
For it not only investigates many new mystery cats but also revisits those previously featured in its 1989 version that in Dr Shuker's opinion remain cryptozoological today. Conversely, those that he no longer considers pertinent to the subject have been deleted or dramatically reduced in coverage in order to make way for the dazzling diversity of present-day feline enigmas requiring examination and discussion. Moreover, it also contains many new, rare illustrations, and a substantially enlarged bibliography, plus the truly spectacular front-cover artwork created by esteemed cryptozoological artist and longstanding friend William M. Rebsamen.
From blue tigers, water leopards, rainbow jaguars, king cheetahs, Transcaucasian daemon cats, and Sumatra's cigau, to spotted lions, black cougars, Mexico's onza, Madagascar's fitoaty, surviving sabre-tooths, feline mega-marsupials, and so much more – the book that set the standard for a whole new generation of cryptozoological writing is back!
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